26 Jul How Do Our Eyes See Color?

Part 3: How do our eyes see color? The physiological reaction to color is the first step to understanding our reaction to color. Light enters the eye through the pupil. Hazel Rossotti describes the process in Color, Why the World Isn’t Grey as “When it reaches the retina on the inner surface eye, it passes […]


19 Jul How Do We Perceive Color?

Part 2: How do we perceive color? Webster defines psychology as the science of the mind or mental states and processes. It is the science of human and animal behavior. Perception is defined as the act or faculty of apprehending by means of the senses or the mind. A single unified awareness derived from sensory […]


12 Jul What is Color?

Part 1: What is color? Itten said in The Elements of Colour, “Colour is the children of light”. Leigh Hunt, a 19th century poet wrote, “Colors are the smiles of nature”. Goethe wrote in his Theory of Colour. “ Colours and light it is true stand in the most intimate relation to each other, but […]